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Introducing the Advanced Support GPT That We Built And Trained To Serve You!
Our visitors are searching for solutions and we want to assist them as fast as possible. Today, that means providing them with state-of-the-art GPT support.
Support Sage is the GPT we provide as a service.
Just provide us with your information and we will send the full details for secret access, and get you set up within minutes.
After you complete the sign-up form and set up an account with so you can access the ChatGPT-4, you can click on the link provided on the next page after your sign-up to access our Support Sage.
Support Sage was built on the platform using ChatGPT-4 so the information you receive is up-to-date.
Once your account is set up with, you ask Support Sage questions just like you would a real human.
To access the Advanced Support Sage built by the Backpocket Lawyer, just provide your information below and we will send you the details.
Secret Access to the Backpocket Lawyer's Advanced Support Sage does require an account with to access ChatGPT-4. An account with ChatGPT-4 capabilities cost $20 a month.
With the Backpocket Lawyer's Support Sage, you’re never alone on the legal highway.
Support Sage has been educated on the law in all 50 states.
Let us know how this works for you. Your feedback is invaluable because our training is ongoing.
Our goal is to provide the best service 24-7-365, through rain or shine and uphill all the way.
We cannot reach our goal until we help you reach your goals.
So, please help us serve you better by letting us know what you think, how your experience with Support Sage was, and what we can do to improve.
Support Sage is just one aspect of the overall services provided by the Backpocket Lawyer.
We Are Your Go-To For Legal How-To. So, Keep Us In Your Backpocket.