Nothing could be more important than knowing your rights than when you are facing criminal charges. Very few people in the criminal justice system are friends of the accused.
When you come under suspicion, it is not just your reputation that suffers. Your friends and family will treat you differently. Some will even turn their backs on you and no longer want to be associated with you.
That is just reality. No one wants to associate with a criminal or convict. They just do not realize how easily it could happen to them.
They feel by distancing themselves from you that it will absolve them of their wrongdoing and protect them from being discovered and held accountable. They fear the dragnet that often ensnares the family and friends of the accused. Often those closest to the accused are scrutinized and harassed by those seeking to win in court at all costs.
• Over 80% of Americans can't afford an attorney
• Thousands of innocent people are convicted each year
• Many rights violations occur because people don't know their rights
• The system isn't designed to protect you – you must protect yourself
How America Loses Its Best And Brightest To Its Weakest And Most Abusive
I will never forget the day I learned that Aaron Swartz was gone. If this can happen to a young brilliant person like Aaron, it can happen to anyone.
Predatory and psychopathic prosecutors are rarely held accountable for their overzealous cruelty; and when they are, it is a slap on the wrist when measured against the irreparable harm they impose on the innocent.
Compounding the situation is the fact that most judges are former prosecutors who got away with the same corrupt practices and most defense attorneys are owned by the prosecutors or trapped by the court system within which they operate.
Either the prosecutor has dirt on the attorney or the attorney is too incompetent, compromised, or addicted to perform in the courtroom.
Either way, you will not get your best defense.
Quite often, defense attorneys are simply former prosecutors who still have the same cruel mentality.
That is why our criminal justice system is so skewed against the people.
All the players have been programmed with the same haughty, sanctimonious, and arrogant predatory mentality.
You are not facing a prosecution team, you are swimming with the sharks and they have you surrounded on all sides.
Perhaps you will be lucky and get an honest prosecutor and judge.
That is rare because often the only shot at justice is with a fair and impartial jury. However, there are tricks of the trade that can allow the court and prosecutor to tamper with the jury as well.
There are many things you can do to avoid conflict, protect yourself, and emerge unscathed from an encounter with the law. We are closing the justice gap in America by sharing our knowledge and experience one person, one case, and one court at a time.
I Would Love To Answer Your Questions As Soon As I Have An Attorney Present
If your prosecutor and judge are honest and you are not guilty, then why do you need a defense attorney?
The only time you really need a defense attorney is when the cops are questioning you about some crime.
You simply tell the officers that you would love to answer their questions as soon as your attorney arrives. They will usually back off because most decent attorneys will advise you to say nothing and plead the 5th.
The only exception to this rule is when you know something that may help save another from death or serious bodily injury.
Or if you know where a person is being held against their will or someone is being moved in a sex trafficking ring or a bank is going to be robbed.
In other words, if you can stop something bad, then do so. If something bad has already happened, then it is best to think long and hard before you cooperate.
Most competent attorneys will negotiate a deal before you divulge your information or knowledge to the detectives. You negotiate a deal for immunity from prosecution. Only then do you tell what you know.
If the best defense attorneys would do that for their clients, then why shouldn't you?
Remaining silent allows you to know more about the situation before you speak.
When you are first accused or pulled in for questioning, you are not thinking clearly and you might say things you will regret later.
Give yourself the time and space to think before you speak.
Listen, appear cooperative, but remain silent.
Do not speak until you can catch your breath and allow the cortisol, adrenaline, and other mind-numbing chemicals racing through your system to dissipate.
It is best to speak only after you have negotiated a deal to protect your future. We share many more tips in this Know Your Rights guide.
The power of the government can destroy you like they did with Aaron Swartz and millions of other innocent people. So, protect yourself today.
Never Walk Alone
Do not ever feel like you have to go in alone. Your back may feel like it is up against a wall, but you are not alone.
You have rights. Not as many rights as a wealthy person who can afford a team of attorneys, but you still have rights.
Do not allow some incompetent, compromised, or owned "defense" attorney to waive or forfeit your rights.
Too many people have fought and died to gain those rights and to protect them.
You can learn how to protect yourself in a short amount of time with a little effort on your part.
It will save you thousands of dollars on legal fees, sleepless nights of angst, and compounding costs that pile on when you shrink back and hide, or worse yet, run.
Remember: Choices have consequences. Not just immediate consequences, but there is a ripple effect that spreads through and permeates your entire life.
Every decision you make sets in motion an entire chain of events that are often unseen.
There are always secondary consequences that most people do not consider, or even recognize, at the time of decision-making. It is like kicking over a domino, not knowing all the others that will be triggered when you do.
It often seems that life places us in a contradictory, confounding, and confusing contraption while the universe is the Rube Goldberg machine that holds us captive.
We all need a coach on our side who can expand our view and help us see there are other consequences we may not immediately realize.
It all starts with knowing your options and choosing wisely. Most people fail because they did not see all their options or play a scene all the way out before taking action.
Others fail because they freeze and get stuck in a smoldering panic state where they feel they are not smart enough to make a choice. So, they just shrink back from life and fail to choose. They allow others to choose for them. They hand over their power without realizing that doing nothing is also a choice. They made the choice to do nothing.
When you fail to make a choice and take action, it is the same as forfeiting your rights. The excuse of "I did not know what to do, so I did nothing" is tired and worn out. The wrong choice is almost always a failure to take action and tend to business.
When you make the wrong choice because you refused to reach out to the Backpocket Lawyer, then that will only compound your problems.
Always weigh your options and make the best choice--but make sure you clearly see all your choices and not just the simple or obvious ones.
When you make the effort to discover all your possible options, you can make better decisions.
Better decisions lead to a better outcome and better life.
When facing criminal charges, decisions have a huge impact on the rest of your life, your family, and your future opportunities.
Imagine how your life will change when you join a committed community and start building your own dedicated team.
Know Your Rights is just the first small step in an evolutionary process that will change your life.
We are here to improve your life by igniting your abilities to handle your own legal affairs.
Our Mission:
At Backpocket Lawyer, we're committed to closing the justice gap in America. We believe everyone deserves to know and understand their rights, regardless of their income.
What Are You Waiting For?
Don't risk your freedom because you didn't know your rights. Grab "Know Your Rights" now and empower yourself with the knowledge that could save you from becoming another victim of the system.
P.S. Remember, the justice system isn't designed to protect you – it's designed to convict you. Arm yourself with knowledge before you need it. Order "Know Your Rights" today!
Stop Feeling Helpless—Start Taking Control Now!
Have you ever felt powerless in the face of authority? Like a pawn in a game you didn't choose?
Well, it's time to rewrite the rules. This eBook will unveil the rights you didn't even know you had, and arm you with the tools to claim them.
Your Constitutional Rights are your unshakeable pillars, the backbone of your freedom.
Learn to counter any abusive official or authority figure who tries to infringe on your rights—yes, you can talk back, and we'll show you how.
We Will Show You How To Exercise Your Rights in Everyday Scenarios.
Life is not a courtroom drama, but every day is a battle for your dignity. Let’s make sure you always emerge victorious.
Never feel taken advantage of again—learn the one-liners that will stop aggressors in their tracks.
Feeling the dread rise in your chest during a traffic stop? Flip the script and stand your ground with authority and poise. You will have a pocket list of what to say and what not to say when you're pulled over.
Don't just be another face in the courtroom crowd. Be the master of your destiny, steering the wheel of your own justice. Get a quick primer on what to expect when you walk into that courtroom and how to hold your own.
Home is where your heart is, and family is your anchor. Know how to protect both like the guardian you are. Cut through the noise and find out what really matters when you’re fighting for your home and loved ones.
When you join us, you will no longer be a naïve, inexperienced legal layman. You will be a citizen armored with the power of your rights.
If you are hungry for more, join us. We can walk you through the whole process, step by step.
Unearth deeper insights and strategies with our comprehensive Book: "The Bill of Rights: Your Personal Powerhouse." Make your rights work for you, not against you.
We invite you to visit our bookstore, check out our selection of books, and take part in our events and programs. With us, you can fight for what is rightfully yours. Join us and be empowered with the knowledge of justice! We hope to see you soon.
Together, we’ll make a difference! With Backpocket Lawyer, your voice will be heard in the court of law. You'll have the confidence and resources to stand up for your rights and fight back. Our team is here to provide you with tips, strategies, advice, and support, from understanding your rights to finding creative solutions. We can help you navigate the complex world of law, giving you the strength and confidence to make sure your voice is heard in any situation.
Don’t let the fear of the unknown prevent you from taking action – join us today and start fighting for justice! Together, we can make a difference.
Join Backpocket Lawyer and let’s fight for justice! We are here to support you every step of the way. Let us help you get the justice you deserve. Sign up today and take back control of your life!
It's time for action – join us now so we can fight together! We are the only ones who can make a difference. Let's stand up for our rights and create a better world for ourselves and future generations. Together, we have the power to bring about real change.
Let’s fight together for a better future! Sign up today and be part of something bigger than yourself. Help us create a world where everyone is heard and has access to justice. Help us create a better tomorrow – for ourselves, and for generations to come. Together, we can create an equitable future – one where everyone is heard and given access to justice.
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Grab your free copy of "Can I Do This?"
This exploratory guide can show you how you can do this. It is a perfect complement to "Know Your Rights." Grab your copy of "Can I Do This?"
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These are your unshakeable pillars, the backbone of your freedom.
1. Right to free speech - The right to express your opinions and beliefs without fear of reprisal, censorship, punishment or retribution.
2. Right to bear arms - The right to own firearms and other weapons for self-defense or to join a state militia for defense of country.
3. Right to privacy - The ability to keep personal and private information from being made public without permission or consent, including bank accounts, medical records, phone calls, and emails from the public or government.
4. Right to vote - The right to elect representatives of your choosing, have an equal say in who governs, and take part in the decisions.
5. Right to freedom of religion - The right to practice any faith or belief without interference, persecution, or discrimination from the government or other individuals.
6. Right to a fair trial - The right to due process when accused or charged with a crime, including the right to be tried fairly under the rule of law before an impartial jury with access to legal counsel in a timely and meaningful manner.
7. Freedom of press - The right to publish and distribute information and ideas through any media, including books, newspapers, magazines, and the internet without government interference or control.
8. Right to assemble peacefully - The right to gather with other individuals in a non-violent manner for the purpose of expressing ideas, discussing issues, or protesting without fear of reprisal or retaliation.
9. Right to education - The right for all individuals to have access to quality education regardless of their background or socio-economic status.
10. Right to freedom from discrimination - The right to be treated equally and with respect, regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or any other factor, including the right to access all public services equally.
There are additional human rights protected by international law and state constittion.
It is important for all individuals to understand their human rights so they can protect them and ensure that their society upholds these fundamental values.
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